Barbi- Brooklyn

Skincare & Beauty

What is your skincare routine?

In my weekly routine, I exfoliate my body and face with a glycolic scrub. For my daily routine, I’m currently rotating a few products: Innisfree Jeju Volcanic Pore Cleansing Foam (which makes my skin feel clean immediately but doesn’t dry me out), Elemis Soothing Apricot Toner, and REN serum + moisturizer. I also use a Caudalie sunscreen. I have also started using Obagi tretinoin every other day, but unfortunately, I am still in the purge phase!

Do you have a go-to skincare product that you can't live without? Why is it your favorite?

Toner—there’s just something about it. It serves a purpose (hydrating), and it smells great.

What's your favorite beauty tip or secret you've learned from others or discovered yourself?

If you ever need a “pop,” use a body oil with a bit of shimmer. I personally like the Anastasia Beverly Hills Shimmer Body Oil.

Lifestyle & Empowerment

How do you balance your busy lifestyle with self-care? What are your favorite rituals for maintaining your well-being?

I like to go for jogs in the mornings around 6:00, not for a long time, just 10-20min. Strictly street jogging, no gyms. I want to see what’s up in my neighborhood and get the early morning sunshine. I also love to treat myself to a latte every morning- while this may be an expensive ritual, it is necessary for my well-being! One of my favorite cafes in NYC is Felix Roasting Co- you go there for the vibes, though- not the coffee. As a Bed Stuy local, I also recommend Odd Fox. I think that’s my favorite cup of coffee in NYC.

Who is a woman that has inspired you, and what did you learn from her?

My friend Christiana is my inspiration. She also works in tech and had a very chaotic family life growing up, much like mine, but she was able to break out of it. She is one of the most driven people I know.

Can you share some advice that has significantly impacted your life?

[A little background: my parents are Nigerian, and I grew up in Italy]. As a child in Italy, my dad took me to the park and said, ‘Look around you; look at all these boys and girls- they’re not better than you.’ Growing up Nigerian in Italy, he knew I would experience racism and sexism, and he was constantly prepping me to be strong. At this point in my life, I can walk into any room, in any setting, remembering precisely that- ‘they’re not better than you.’

Personal Insights & Fun

If you could describe your aura or energy in a color, what would it be?

Purple, but a dark purple. I think I have a lot of dark energy, but at the same time, purple is noble and put together.

What's a hobby or passion that people might not know about you?

I have a deep respect for people in general. I may give off “dark energy” or come across a certain way, but I’m fascinated and in awe of most people I see. I get great satisfaction from giving back to the community; currently, I mentor kids, and I’d love to get involved with more local charities.

Coolest experience?

Growing up in Italy felt like growing up in 50 countries simultaneously. Every city is so different, with completely different cultures and vibes. I feel so lucky to have had such a culturally and aesthetically diverse upbringing. Road trips through Italy are some of my most treasured memories.

Closing Thoughts

What’s next for you, and what are you most looking forward to?

Thanks to the hard work I put in during my early 20s, I have accomplished a lot in my career. Unfortunately, during that period, I sacrificed a lot of time with family and friends. Now, I’m venturing back out—I'm looking forward to building my network and community!

Connect with Barbi:

Instagram: @abarbyworld


Abigail- Miami