Abigail- Miami

Skincare & Beauty

What is your skincare routine?

My morning skincare routine is all about simplicity. I start with a gentle cleanser, followed by a hydrating toner. I've added vitamin C and retinol at night into the mix to keep my skin bright. At night, I layer on a super-rich moisturizer after applying retinol to hydrate my skin. I’ve also made sunscreen a daily staple.

Do you have a go-to skincare product that you can't live without? Why is it your favorite?

I love trying new brands and experimenting with different products, but I always keep a good hyaluronic acid serum in my routine. It’s like a refreshing drink for my skin, keeping it plump and hydrated. Plus, it layers beautifully under makeup for that dewy finish. I also love treating myself to a new mask now and then—it’s a fun way to give my skin a little extra boost and see what new brands have to offer!

What's your favorite beauty tip or secret you've learned from others or discovered yourself?

I swear by using a Korean tool with microcurrent. The microcurrency tool boosts collagen production, strengthens my skin, and helps my skincare products sink in better. It’s a bit of a five-minute ritual, but it’s so relaxing and gives me that glowing start to my day.

Lifestyle & Empowerment

How do you balance your busy lifestyle with self-care? What are your favorite rituals for maintaining your well-being?

My morning starts with meditation and a calming skincare routine, setting a positive tone for the day. I’m a big fan of staying active, so I practice hot yoga and Pilates and run regularly. Drinking tons of water is also a crucial part of my routine to keep me hydrated and feeling my best. After a long workout, I unwind with a bath and a good book. I used an infrared sauna during the winter, which is fantastic for relaxation and muscle recovery. These little rituals help me stay grounded and recharged.

Who is a woman that has inspired you, and what did you learn from her?

I honestly find inspiration in every woman I meet. Growing up in Mexico surrounded by strong and independent women in my family, I've learned to appreciate the unique qualities and strengths each one brings. These incredible women have taught me the value of resilience, authenticity, and the power of using one's voice to make a difference. Their influence has shaped how I approach life and strive to be the best version of myself.

Can you share some advice that has significantly impacted your life?

One piece of advice that has stuck with me is: “Do what you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life.” It’s been a guiding principle for me, reminding me to pursue what genuinely excites me and brings joy, both professionally and personally.

What are your mantras or affirmations that keep you motivated and grounded?

“Embrace the moment.” It’s inspired by how Mexican culture celebrates death as a reminder to live fully and joyfully. It’s about seeing the past as something to learn from and looking at the future positively. Focusing on the present helps me stay grounded and make the most of every day.

Personal Insights & Fun

If you could describe your aura or energy in a color, what would it be?

My aura is vibrant red. It’s full of passion, energy, and confidence. Red reflects how I approach life with enthusiasm and a drive to embrace every moment fully.

What's a hobby or passion that people might not know about you?

My passion for cooking and entertaining might surprise people. I enjoy creating delicious meals and hosting gatherings where friends can come together and enjoy great food and each other’s company. It’s a way to express my creativity and connect meaningfully with others.

Coolest travel experience?

The coolest travel experience I’ve had recently was a spontaneous adventure in Paris. After enjoying a solo coffee, I decided on a whim to buy a ticket to the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games. It was an incredible decision—I met some of the Olympians from Mexico! It was a whirlwind of excitement and connection that made the trip unforgettable. Every travel experience teaches me something new, but this one was exceptional.

What's something you're currently working on or exploring that excites you?

I’m currently pursuing interior design and event planning. I’ve always been passionate about how spaces can transform and influence mood. I’m fascinated by the psychology behind forms, colors, and textures and how they affect the way we feel and interact with our environments. I’d love to explore this field further and see how I can create spaces that truly resonate with people.

Closing Thoughts

What’s next for you, and what are you most looking forward to?

I recently moved to Miami, and I’m excited to explore this vibrant city. I look forward to meeting new people, discovering all of Miami's unique spots, and starting new projects. It’s a fresh chapter filled with opportunities, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store!

Connect with Abigail:

Instagram: @abiglezmarquez


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