Agnese- Amsterdam

Skincare & Beauty

What is your skincare routine?

My skincare routine is quite minimal. I keep it simple and stick to the basics: cleansing in the morning and evening, serums, and moisturizer. I love to explore products that are good for one-off occasions depending on my skin's particular needs at that time.

Do you have a go-to skincare product that you can't live without? Why is it your favorite?

Any refresher/ moisturizer spray. My current favorite is Facetheory Replenamist Hydrating Toner with niacinamide and cactus extracts.

What's your favorite beauty tip or secret you've learned from others or discovered yourself?

Use a cold, fresh cucumber underneath your eyes to remove eye bags/ dark circles. Zero cost, quick results, feels like a spa treatment, and smells good!

Lifestyle & Empowerment

How do you balance your busy lifestyle with self-care? What are your favorite rituals for maintaining your well-being?

I take time every day to reflect, usually right before bed. This moment allows me to summarize the day and understand where my head is and how I feel. It helps me feel close to myself. Other than this ritual, I generally keep a regular bedtime during the week and try my best to go for walks every morning (as much as Amsterdam weather permits). Getting sunlight right when you wake up is super important for the body's regulation.

Who is a woman that has inspired you, and what did you learn from her?

My grandma is my inspiration. She is 91 years old and lives by herself in northern Italy. She lost her husband when she was young, raised two children alone, and is one of the most independent, powerful women I've ever met. She has taught me the meaning of showing up for yourself, no matter what. At 91, she still wears heels, always puts on a beautiful face of makeup, and dresses fashionably. I don't know if I'll ever be able to live up to her example, but I hope so!

Can you share some advice that has significantly impacted your life?

A friend told me this a few months ago- if you keep people at a distance, you can love them most. When I first heard this, I didn't really get it. But as I thought about it more, it just clicked. Don't feel like you need to give people what you should, but give them what you can. Being at a distance allows you to do what you can rather than what you should, enabling you to show up as the best version of yourself. And loving someone properly means doing so as the best version of yourself.

Personal Insights & Fun

If you could describe your aura or energy in a color, what would it be?

Something bright...

What's a hobby or passion that people might not know about you?

Something that I really love doing is hitchhiking (safely!). Hitchhiking is intriguing and exciting because you meet so many people you would never have met. You're jumping into the unknown. Each time I've done it, I have been mindblown by the stories these strangers-turned-friends shared with me. Initially, it takes some time to warm up and develop some trust, but generally, by the end of the ride, some of the most profound emotions and most vulnerable stories are shared—by complete strangers!

What's something you're currently working on or exploring that excites you?

I'm reading a bunch of books that I'm excited about at the moment. One in particular that has piqued my interest is an Italian book called Serendipity, which explains the nature of serendipity from a scientific point of view.

Closing Thoughts

What’s next for you, and what are you most looking forward to?

I want to move back to Italy, which is exciting and scary at the same time. I grew up in Italy, but Amsterdam has been my home for the last 7 years. I’m not sure what would happen with my job. I’m not sure where in Italy I’d live- maybe Tuscany? There is a lot of unknown, but hey, serendipity… let’s see what happens.

Connect with Agnese:

Instagram: @gegiina_


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Ellen- Portland, Oregon