Ellen- Portland, Oregon

Skincare & Beauty

What is your skincare routine, and how has it evolved over the years?

My skincare routine lives by the "less is more" motto. I developed acne in the early 2000s, and people kept recommending different products to try, which ultimately made everything worse! Over the years, I've learned that the less I put on my face, the less red, irritated, and acne-prone it becomes. My current routine consists of daily face wash, exfoliation a few times a week, moisturizer, and always sunscreen.

Do you have a go-to skincare product that you can't live without? Why is it your favorite?

Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser because it doesn't irritate my sensitive skin!

What's your favorite beauty tip or secret you've learned from others or discovered yourself?

When in doubt, do less.

Lifestyle & Empowerment

How do you balance your busy lifestyle with self-care? What are your favorite rituals for maintaining your well-being?

Movement is my ritual, whether walking, biking, yoga, running- anything. Whenever there's an option to be in motion rather than sedentary, I take it!

Who is a woman that has inspired you, and what did you learn from her?

Lisa Congdon, a Portland native, is an excellent, self-taught artist and author. Over the years, she has developed her unique style and taught me that success is achieved when you do things your way. She's not afraid to be different. Bonus points for also being an avid cyclist!

Can you share some advice that has significantly impacted your life?

Don't be ashamed of what you care about. If people think that what you're doing is dumb, who cares? Do what makes you happy unapologetically.

What are your personal mantras or affirmations that keep you motivated and grounded?

As Seattle-born Minoru Yamasaki puts it, do your best to embrace serenity, surprise, and delight.

Personal Insights

If you could describe your aura or energy in a color, what would it be?

This is hard- black? Unsure…

What's next for you, and what are you most looking forward to?

I'd like to travel more internationally and in the Pacific Northwest. I'm grateful for having a job that allows me to travel and that I know it isn't going to disappear—job security is something many of us take for granted. I'd like to try traveling in new ways, like backpacking or biking through countries!

Connect with Ellen:

Instagram: @ellenpederson


Agnese- Amsterdam